The poetry, stories and intrigues of C.J. Brenner

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Mr. Ginger Snap Fortune

There once was a fellow with a big head and he smiled for the cameras but loved the ladies.  I call him Jeff, but really he is just a fellow of the Ginger Snap Fortune family that was once a best seller in the English tea shop that I used to attend with the best doggies I might walk in the park.  Jeff or Mr. GSF was smart but he really was not well in his own thoughts and feelings.  He danced for the crowd and he tipped his hat to the girls and women, but he never took the hat off and he never removed the tie clip that his father put on his tie when he was three years old.  Jeff was a popular fellow but as Mr. Ginger Snap Fortune, he just did not make any new memories for his friends that once were anxious to share a cigarette with him in the party room of his father's house.  His father was intelligent and we all love a good man of the trade of economic leanings and insurance and public protection, (he was a tax collector who played the harp), but that said, noone forgot Jeff and noone really thought of his father any more than once a few blue moons.  Really and that was all.  Playing the harp was nice but the collection of taxes just made you forget the beauty of his song.  It was a tough way for Mr. Ginger Snap Fortune the son to live his life.  Noone wanted to come over his house when he lived with his father, but when he had his own place to live, he never left it to even take out the trash.  In fact, the trash got so overflowed that one day, Jeff the Ginger Snap Fortune fellow was unable to tolerate its fumes.   He walked it piece to piece to the corner and it filled his driveway and even the street in front of his house.  This was it for Mr. Ginger Snap Fortune.  He would never again let the trash pile up.  He just liked the creature comforts of his couch and it really did not make sense to leave to take the trash out before this.  So now today, Jeff takes out the trash, but I must tell you that the trash collectors will never forget that mess and none of these collectors ever gave up their route.   So if you see Jeff today, ask him about his couch but don't mention the trash experience.  He denies it left any lasting impression on any person and since he takes care of his trash as best as he can now, he just says that he is better off without speaking to any person who knew that he was really just a poor Ginger Snap Fortune fellow who never tasted a good cookie but never forgot the pile in the front yard.   Thanks Mr. Ginger Snap Fortune,  I must say I don't think of you often today but when I do, I know that good things come to those who wait and I am not planning to call you ever again until I hear from you first.  Thanks!   Best of luck too.

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