The poetry, stories and intrigues of C.J. Brenner

Sunday, March 13, 2011

The trees wanted a super tree to rule them once upon a time

After the forest started being populated with trees, the trees told the Tree God that they really wanted a super tree that they could all depend on in times of drought or war between the weeds. The weeds were always fighting wars among themselves. Sometimes the trees might participate. Over all the trees never really did have wars. They couldn't. Trees could not over grow one another and every tree had a nice place to rest its roots and branch shadows.
The trees found a big tree that they trusted to be its first super tree. This was neat and it was call Usaul. usual was smart but he did not gain the entire happiness of the forest. One day the Tree God told Usaul to make a hole fifty feet deep and bury every plant in it that tried to make a canapy over the trees and deprive the trees of sunlight. Esaul did a good job but when it came time to fill in the hole, Esaul walked away from the job. So the canopy making plants and weed escaped and continued to try to hang canopies over the Trees. This caused the Tree God to make a new Super Tree. Along came a super tree that had poetic branches and a cotton flower on each of its branches. This new tree wanted to run away from Esaul but it did not and Esaul and this new tree we will call Edavid Tree were happy together for sometime. Edavid tree had a troublesome run in with some very ugly weeds once. This was Esaul;s fight, but Edavid volunteered to face off against a very fat and ugly weed that wanted to be known as Goltreeeater. Goltreeeater was fat and ugly and though that if he defaced the bark on the Edavid tree he would be the victor. The Goltreeeater tree tried his best but Edavid tree was agile and walked away from Goltreeeater weed. Then Edavid Tree launched a baby acorn right into the weed jungle of Goltreeeaters inner most chamber. This made Goltreeeater to instantly perish and he never was heard from again.
Edavid tree came up with a plan to make a special light to bask the trees in the forest in blue light. It worked but it was not until his son, Esolomon tree came along that this light was finished and constructed. It lasted a good while but sadly the trees were not very careful and they angered the Tree God. The Tree God turned out the blue light and there was no more light on the trees. But that was not the end of this situation. There was later a Grey light that was constructed and it made the trees just as happy but not as beautiful as the first blue light. It worked for a good while. Sadly the trees started to fight among eachother and the Tree God again turned out the light that they enjoyed. For the rest of the years the trees wanted another light. It is rumored that a third light might indeed be sanctioned by the Tree God. It would make the forest envy all of the trees for the rest of the existence of trees but the trees would konw that the Tree God was indeed wanting them to heal and be happy. It has not yet come to the forest. I can not tell you if it will be red or green or yellow. But I will tell you that this Tree God is very smart indeed and maybe it will be all three colors in alternation. That would be good and the trees could again delight in their prosperity.

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