The poetry, stories and intrigues of C.J. Brenner

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Growing Branches

Baseball throwing tree was actually unique in a sense that trees in his day liked the Power tree but were really not brave enough to wear all of its magazine articles in their branches.  They reasoned that since Chainsaw and others like him through time looked and smelled like the weeds, that the other weeds might not like a Tree that had magazine articles from the Power tree. This was too bad but the Tree God knew that would be the way it would be.  This fellow baseball throwing tree woke up one day and just wanted to explore what the Tree God created trees to really enjoy. So he read a few but not every single magazine article and enjoyed reading. It was good and once a magazine article was read, it made his branches glow in the dark.  These glow in the dark branches gave his Tree soul good ideas and every day he had something new to think about.  So one day he decided that he would grow to smile at the Power Tree.  He had previously just shaked its firm hand in life. This day he decided to smile and his smile grew more and more and then the Power tree made him happier and happier.  So too was this method of smiling at the Power tree that he thought that it was remarkable that none of the Trees all completely liked to smile.  Just a few and those were thought of as silly or just outlandish Trees.  So the Trees went on and only the baseball throwing tree smiled and Power tree gave baseball throwing Tree a good ring to wear.  It said "Made in Israel" and Baseball Throwing tree wore it well, although no other tree knew he had this ring. It was invisible to anyone except those who really smiled at the Power Tree.  Then one day Baseball throwing tree opened the magazine articles and read further and it said "be brave and live a good life".  So baseball throwing tree enlisted the help of a Butter spreading tree and designed a new property for Baseball Throwing Tree to exist in in the nation of the Better Smiley Faces Forever.  Baseball Throwing Tree loved his nation though he does wonder if The Tree God will let him live in the Rose Garden.  Perhaps, perhaps not.  Perhaps he really needs to stay in his nation forever or then some.  But that said, Baseball Throwing Trees new property was ripe with bugs that smelled like persimmons and when they died, they fertilized Baseball Throwing Tree's soil with much goodness for which Baseball Player tree grew big hearty leafs that looked like shimmering foils of gold and green and silver and rust.   This was good for Baseball Player Tree as he was now a Baseball Player as well as a Baseball Thrower.  He liked to play baseball once a day and it was really the shortstop position that he enjoyed most.  He could throw balls to other trees although only a few were able to catch these really fast pitches.  They were fast becuase if he threw these slow, they would get caught up in their branches and he really wanted them to hit them in the tree trunk.  But that was all he did in his time away from designing his property.  I met Baseball Player/Baseball Thrower Tree and he was in good shape when he visited with me.  He had designed a huge playground with white and blue elephant rides and he had a beautiful swing set with a copper rope and a beautiful wooden seat on his swing. It kept swinging higher and higher with his years to come.  Sadly Baseball Thrower Tree did not enjoy the company of many others who in fact had very similar properties.  Baseball Thrower tree once noted that the Power tree had a top canopy of diamonds and the story books all told that there was an easy way that Baseball Thrower tree could do the same.  He did.  Not too many trees liked to do this though, but they almost all knew they could to it and often did when they went to play golf on Friday Afternoons.  So that was good and Baseball Thrower tree prospered as the Tree God liked his additions to his property.  The best was that Baseball Thrower tree liked the visitations of a number of the interesting weed plants in his day and he modeled his afternoon buttercup places after their ideas of buttercup fields.  That worked fine.  Many of the other Trees that Did smile Greatly at the Power Tree had bigger buttercup places in their properties but the weeds liked them alot but did not play in them as much. 

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