The poetry, stories and intrigues of C.J. Brenner

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Jumpy Jim Bob

There was a fellow I met three times in a year and he was known as Jumpy Jim Bob.  Jim Bob was a psychotherapist and how he got the name Jumpy is anyones imagination.  I thought he was a really marvelous talker and an even better listener, half of the time though.  Jim Bob preferred a cup of coffee and sat across from me and asked some questions and told me some statistics.  He really never left the exam room while I was talking and I always knew that mentally he was fit as a fiddle.  But that said, Jumpy Jim Bob was not a clown and not a fool but he really made a funny smile that I never forgot.  I think Jumpy was anxious to make a lot of insightful remarks and show the patients he met that he really knew what was going on in their mind, being, soul and anxieties.  I see Jim Bob no more but may someday pay him a visit and talk about the clown suit I bought to wear to the state fair.  I like my clown suit alot but the problem is that it is missing a button and I really liked to be fully buttoned up in public.  It was scary at first wearing a clown suit that was missing a button but I realized that it made me look even funnier.  But that was the problem, I was a sad clown and not a funny clown and missing a button made me look sad but also pathetic.  I wanted to be a proud but sad clown.  So you see, I really did have a big dilemma.  Clowning around was a fun sport and I never could find another button that fit the clown suit.  I hoped that my psychotherapist Jumpy Jim Bob might be able to find me a suitable button to affix and prevent embarrassment.  But when I called to make an appointment, Jim Bob told me that the clown suit was made that way and my problem was that I just didn't want to be the clown that was designed to be displayed in public with this custom suit.  So I realized that perhaps Jim Bob was right but even then, why couldnt a skilled fellow like Jim Bob who also owned a button store find me a button to fill the empty button hole.  I was troubled and I asked him to think about my troubles.  He did not like that I wanted to change something that he felt was a custom job and I must say that I remain in a sad and pathetic state of affairs but I must say that I am always proud when I take off the clown suit and wear my business suit and march into the court room where I serve as a litigation attorney for the claimants of the button company that my friend and therapist Jumpy Jim Bob owns.  Jim Bob is not on trial but his company is on trial.   I can not say that I am going to be nice to them professionally but they dont have the button I asked for and if they don't care about me in my clowing attire, how do you think I will behave to them in my professional capacity?  I just think that a good day is spent at the golf course and you can wear any t shirt or golf shirt that you wish to wear.  No buttons :)

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