The poetry, stories and intrigues of C.J. Brenner

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Very turn

 Free dream. Joy by. Turn joy by

>>>Bank. Joy upon. Jade screw verse grade buck. Turn joy. Yireh by

>>>Dream. Joy by. Turn turn. A nose fit bite

>>>Sets. Mild frank. Joy by

>>>High bog. Turn hunt. Yireh by. Joy hunt. Yireh by

>>>Sets. Coin a fate. Turn by. Turn hunt by

>>>Snow bread. Jade frozen buck. The rest grade. Joy by

>>>Sets. Joy turn. Joy by

>>>Serious. Rattle back. Hunt by. Grade set

>>>Free. Joy by. Turn joy. Up in. Joy by. Turn joy. Hunt yireh by

>>>Innkeeper. Joy gold. Joy but best. The right humor

>>>Dry. Times. Joy by. Turn joy by. Mint bed hunt

>>>Dry. Turn joy. High by

>>>Sets. Managed humility. God care set. Bible rest

>>>Dear. Joy yireh by. Gold by

>>>Drawn. Hunt yireh. Buck ornate. A set kill over by

>>>Dear. Turn tune. Glad happy. Score bright bed

>>>Dear. Joy by. Tug hunt. Gold brood. High bet

>>>Cedar. Joy untimed by. The rest grave

>>>Dry. Tug hunt. Hunt chance. Turn buck

>>>Mud. Joy turn. Joy by

>>>Service. Glad fit. Join by. Turn jade. Change realm hunt. A humor glad a fit fate good

>>>Dear. Joy turn. Joy yireh by. Turn turn. A know of gift

>>>Freedom. Grove. Dynamic

>>>Dear. Joys. Minute bite. The worm or the break

>>>Dear. Time by. High bread art. The freak fuck off 

>>>Livid. Meat fancy grave. The war guy shut

>>>Dream. Joy by. Military placement God frank lank perfect family. The ruse and the road a sure fit gold frank. Joy yireh. The seals dry transplaced red set against

>>>Cop. Kick hunt. The robber the vacant frame up in jade. Moon joy turn hunt out. Gold bear the dry christ a drawn bite

>>>Birthland. Joy yireh by. Turn bet raise by. The whole a fit a good fate. Joy by

>>>Dry. Turning hunt. Yireh bone rest

>>>Davidic. Eyes drawn. The whole rest right the beat

>>>Dream. Time by. Turning hunt. Gold frank. Joy by. The rest grade

>>>Clock. Yireh by. Turns to wear. A chance a set up or loss. High bite the late animal 

>>>Dream. Jade rest. Time by. Turn hunt

>>>Sloppy. Joy upon. Jest the spaghetti. The dream a pull of the noodle

>>>Set grave. The grade set. The yireh. Joy a good fit

>>>Confidante. High best structure. Joy begin open. The yireh by

>>>Serious. Bite and. The right a plate

>>>Proud case. Mind of where and when. Hunt yireh by. Joy bread set

>>>Dry. Time by. The good or

>>>Service. Seconds to the great beast. A dry warm joy the good fate set rage. In out. Young bread set wrong 

>>>Cost junker. Turn joy high bet. The right hope in and. Fate realm good free turn. Gold by

>>>Faith. By turn. High great. Mingle raise gold art

>>>Lasting. Benefit the mock joy best wear. A costume the day says great

>>>Dear. Joy until by. Turn hunt. Yireh by

>>>Diet. Regular fit. Well and filling. A good free drawn bearing 

>>>Owl kink. Overgrowth. The dry need an excavation the limit public pull

>>>Set. Mingle. Joy break. Jive in punk joy. The dry grave high bread

>>>Serious. Joy by. The right by

>>>Free. Joy by. Turn joy by

>>>Marked. The bible its dry grind. Join by. Jest rage rest by

>>>Dear. Joy best. Mingle frank. Perfect sitting. Hunt by good a fate a good beat

>>>Quick. Jive bite. The right yireh. Joy home bout

>>>Dear free. General open fate. Joy color bright be. Job help. Open jade sure frank. The fit gun beat well a good free grave set good fate

>>>Home. Joined. Jade seldom. A common bed and careful king versed fate

>>>Work. Turn joyous. The humble apt graded set kept yireh. Moon joy bread sure bite

>>>High cook. In off. The free verse a drag cow buck. Yireh own. Joy by grave dry great fret drum

>>>Coercive. Joy yireh by. Tug trade. Mingle raise gold fret

>>>Dear. Joy by. Turn hunt. Joy yireh by. Group by

>>>Core rather hunt. The read set. A dry first dream. Joy by

>>>Richer. Hoped versed frank joy. The health good case study tight hope

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