Fossil Machine
Plays the flute
In a childs gathering
As he contemplates
Days ahead
Will he score at will
Will he remain wonderous
Will he choose an avenue
Unbeknown to him today
At the twilight of his
Distance from
His workings of
Plentitude and
Happiness for the
Future children
In a place that he knows and
Sends smiles across the faces
Of a multitude
Until that time
That legacy riles into his
Fosterings of defeat
And worries of
What will they say
When he is old and
Unable to throw the basketball
Through the hoops
That daily visit his
As if there is any confusion as to the notable person described here in, this poem describes Lebron a few years ago sitting among some children where he was offered a flute by a young girl to play and he gave it some effort, though where he is headed today is not the same place he knew at that time.