The poetry, stories and intrigues of C.J. Brenner

Wednesday, January 29, 2025


 Tight fate. The limit grace. Protest grade set the good awn of bite. Grade set. The feeling a good bread filled beat


 Town by. The cream of big. Bystander hope. Verse arrest high bite crime. The need reward a strum

>>>Zap. Very turn. High by. The right yireh joy by

>>>Care. Bread. A fate right graced. The honor grave right. Tone and fit good bearing

Wednesday, January 22, 2025


 By time right. View a dream. Gold high bite. The living beat a cold job

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

The rest

 Turn of grip. Verse a free good. Very simple rise great fit. Cocoon jest grave the man his tight bite remedy

Friday, December 6, 2024


 Stew. Say grace free if

Grin if grace set. Joy the right hope. 

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Very turn

 Free dream. Joy by. Turn joy by

>>>Bank. Joy upon. Jade screw verse grade buck. Turn joy. Yireh by

>>>Dream. Joy by. Turn turn. A nose fit bite

>>>Sets. Mild frank. Joy by

>>>High bog. Turn hunt. Yireh by. Joy hunt. Yireh by

>>>Sets. Coin a fate. Turn by. Turn hunt by

>>>Snow bread. Jade frozen buck. The rest grade. Joy by

>>>Sets. Joy turn. Joy by

>>>Serious. Rattle back. Hunt by. Grade set

>>>Free. Joy by. Turn joy. Up in. Joy by. Turn joy. Hunt yireh by

>>>Innkeeper. Joy gold. Joy but best. The right humor

>>>Dry. Times. Joy by. Turn joy by. Mint bed hunt

>>>Dry. Turn joy. High by

>>>Sets. Managed humility. God care set. Bible rest

>>>Dear. Joy yireh by. Gold by

>>>Drawn. Hunt yireh. Buck ornate. A set kill over by

>>>Dear. Turn tune. Glad happy. Score bright bed

>>>Dear. Joy by. Tug hunt. Gold brood. High bet

>>>Cedar. Joy untimed by. The rest grave

>>>Dry. Tug hunt. Hunt chance. Turn buck

>>>Mud. Joy turn. Joy by

>>>Service. Glad fit. Join by. Turn jade. Change realm hunt. A humor glad a fit fate good

>>>Dear. Joy turn. Joy yireh by. Turn turn. A know of gift

>>>Freedom. Grove. Dynamic

>>>Dear. Joys. Minute bite. The worm or the break

>>>Dear. Time by. High bread art. The freak fuck off 

>>>Livid. Meat fancy grave. The war guy shut

>>>Dream. Joy by. Military placement God frank lank perfect family. The ruse and the road a sure fit gold frank. Joy yireh. The seals dry transplaced red set against

>>>Cop. Kick hunt. The robber the vacant frame up in jade. Moon joy turn hunt out. Gold bear the dry christ a drawn bite

>>>Birthland. Joy yireh by. Turn bet raise by. The whole a fit a good fate. Joy by

>>>Dry. Turning hunt. Yireh bone rest

>>>Davidic. Eyes drawn. The whole rest right the beat

>>>Dream. Time by. Turning hunt. Gold frank. Joy by. The rest grade

>>>Clock. Yireh by. Turns to wear. A chance a set up or loss. High bite the late animal 

>>>Dream. Jade rest. Time by. Turn hunt

>>>Sloppy. Joy upon. Jest the spaghetti. The dream a pull of the noodle

>>>Set grave. The grade set. The yireh. Joy a good fit

>>>Confidante. High best structure. Joy begin open. The yireh by

>>>Serious. Bite and. The right a plate

>>>Proud case. Mind of where and when. Hunt yireh by. Joy bread set

>>>Dry. Time by. The good or

>>>Service. Seconds to the great beast. A dry warm joy the good fate set rage. In out. Young bread set wrong 

>>>Cost junker. Turn joy high bet. The right hope in and. Fate realm good free turn. Gold by

>>>Faith. By turn. High great. Mingle raise gold art

>>>Lasting. Benefit the mock joy best wear. A costume the day says great

>>>Dear. Joy until by. Turn hunt. Yireh by

>>>Diet. Regular fit. Well and filling. A good free drawn bearing 

>>>Owl kink. Overgrowth. The dry need an excavation the limit public pull

>>>Set. Mingle. Joy break. Jive in punk joy. The dry grave high bread

>>>Serious. Joy by. The right by

>>>Free. Joy by. Turn joy by

>>>Marked. The bible its dry grind. Join by. Jest rage rest by

>>>Dear. Joy best. Mingle frank. Perfect sitting. Hunt by good a fate a good beat

>>>Quick. Jive bite. The right yireh. Joy home bout

>>>Dear free. General open fate. Joy color bright be. Job help. Open jade sure frank. The fit gun beat well a good free grave set good fate

>>>Home. Joined. Jade seldom. A common bed and careful king versed fate

>>>Work. Turn joyous. The humble apt graded set kept yireh. Moon joy bread sure bite

>>>High cook. In off. The free verse a drag cow buck. Yireh own. Joy by grave dry great fret drum

>>>Coercive. Joy yireh by. Tug trade. Mingle raise gold fret

>>>Dear. Joy by. Turn hunt. Joy yireh by. Group by

>>>Core rather hunt. The read set. A dry first dream. Joy by

>>>Richer. Hoped versed frank joy. The health good case study tight hope

Monday, November 18, 2024


 Yireh by

The rest by

>>>Sets. Joy by. Mingle in. Turn test frank in. Joy by

>>>Set. Autorenew. A complement 

>>>Cedar. High best care. God cigar ease. The never limit a promise dreaded if. Joy or. The raise good fate

>>>Service. Joy by. High hunt. A holy untimed grow verse a fit bite. King by

>>>Dear foot. High bright. The good in or. Yireh by. Joy by turn joy bite

>>>Bright fathom. Joy upon jest frank mirror. The realm its eye to good free dream

>>>Serious. Glad fate. The acumen

>>>Dear. By tight. Mingle hope. The rope to verify a good climb

>>>Sear. Tight turn. A joy hunt

>>>Clash. High or. Fit grace

>>>Dry. Join hunt. By turn. High glad. A fit fit good frank bite

>>>Service. Cat sure a dream of the rest graded. Joy by. Yireh by tone and walk 

>>>Free. Joy by. High honor. A good hope glad fate

>>>Cleat. Time free. The glad ground push. A set of the right grace dreamed hope. Joy by

>>>Dinner versed. Joy by. The rest grace the good buy

>>>Sets. King hunt yireh. The buy of grade. Story by

>>>Dear. Chaperone holy. The youth to his outing 

>>>Frank liberty. High hold. The cream of grace

>>>Set. Made care. The sense a priority. Hunt glad by good youth right beat 

>>>Dear. Joy bread. The time upon. Jade set. Holy high by

>>>Chipper. Moon joyful. The rest graced the warm love. High by. Turn joy bite right fate 

>>>Dry. Join hunt. Yireh joy upon. An in joy right the whole bite a sure fit break. In on as. The cunning fit place good bite strong good fate

>>>Dry. Junk attic. The warm house its let 

>>>Dears. Minutes. Lamps 

>>>Regular guy. Time set. Numb if pornography. The frank gold the any day a beat

>>>Dear. Time at grace. Home right bearing. The priority the good bite

>>>Steam joy. Up in. Nice shower. The help the hump the bite

>>>Drawn. Joy by. Turn by. Tug by

>>>Dry. Legal opt. The right grace 

>>>Pipes. Smoked by. Grace or frank. The bite sure the beat

>>>Set. Joined frank. The humor traded. Joy by. Grace dry grade. The rage free grade the humble rest a bed 

>>>Selective. Joined. Sure fit. Mingle active bite

>>>Dry. Join by. The hump of grit. Moon job versed a holiday dream break. Nice toned frank. The rest assured the good fit a versed cold valued rotation in easy fancy grace. Medical school eased breaks from intensity

>>>Dry. Turn joy. Untimed by

>>>Sets. Check the rummy bunching beat. A trace by a turn joyful the game

>>>Charges. Mingle rest. The hone right break. In on. Joy by

>>>Serious beat. Glad troop. The gold on the grace 

>>>Serious. Numb the rest a collector. New act time right or not. The grace set reason gold in beat

>>>Cedar. Type upon. A salary never cut. The care demand a set right grade 

>>>Dream. Joy drawn. The good fit. Gold by. Turn turn a new dream. Gold in fate. High glad fit grave glad bite

>>>Dry. Tact grand fret. The clear verse a trough of grave dry glut. The yireh in on. Joy until in bite right by

>>>Service. Hand in. Hunt by. The good frank joy

>>>Sent. Friend faced. Numb a dry. The blessing a fit grace

>>>Dream. Kick power. The jewel the break

>>>Serious. High glad ease. Joy by. The run joy bite

>>>Serious hand. High its dry bread case dry bet. Mingle frank minded family tie. The wealth an adjust of the hunch a dry grace the honor a salary graceful by the great fancy offer a good fit road turning beat. No jewel the cozy grace. Sophistication the money fancy required the home

>>>Dear. Numb assuage. The grave free the whole right bite

>>>Dear. Yireh by. A time glad 

>>>Tired night grave. Fraud by fornication the whole limit grave let mind. Folly. By. The good sense raid and fame a good faced set drawn jade. Milk in or turning bed grace odd else. Mingle moon the rise of graded set mind and fate 

>>>Mingle verse. Joy the camera a virgin holds. High to bread. The coarse the free the humor high set 

>>>Cedar. Yireh time by. Grave drawn joy. The rise dream high good fate

>>>Clear new dream. Joined bite. Turn of grave dry help. A care slave not the creative cutlery. Time dry beat. Join hunt bite marked. A kill jack turn of the good fit mood 

>>>Dear. Join by. Tug hunt. Joy by

>>>Cedar. Safe drawn. Liberty graced. The limit the profession the plan. Gold in joy high bite sure fit good creative grace

>>>Dear. Joy until. On joy. Mind frank. Open no murder the graded price of gift bear bed sure grip. Turn grace rest. The rest grave grip by good free hope a set grade set frank joy. Bite rest. The candid egg turn bug help. Mingle rest grave

>>>Service. By load. A hurt fate grave case dry grip if. Numb hunch grave fret dry grade

>>>Dry. Numb toss. The good fit grace

>>>Sear case. Joy by. Turn by out. The good awn a fit go bite strong bet grave perk. The yireh in on jade sure bite

>>>Dry. Time tap. Open joy high bread. Yireh by. Turn joy high bite state frank joy break on jade. The common good fate

>>>Service manner. Joy by. To earth bright right. Yireh by

>>>Dear. Joy by. Tug on jade. A humor gold free a set please drawn bread fancy grip. Open in on. Joy by hunt perfect body simple rest. Joy by

>>>Dear. Joy by. Appeased fit grave. Hunt by grow ease dry grip. A know good fate

>>>Serious. Fit grace. The right grace town and country. High by. Turn joy high bite. The raise grade a set house the bite

>>>Dream. Numb the troubled fair sleep. Milk on joy the raise the grade free bets. Joy yireh by

>>>Credit. High race. Gold by good fate

>>>Sets. Lucky bread. The warm gold bite

>>>Set rest. Yireh on. Setting bed bearing. The holy of the cook a fit fate strong. Hunch bed gold. The happy eye the warm dream

>>>Coded folly. Jest dry sure verse. Mint frank joy undue by. The rise a sun a fit bite. Yireh by

>>>Sets. Hour frank. The honey by. Mint grave dry set free grace 

>>>Dry. Joy. Numb. Jade rest frank

>>>Cemetery. Joy the walk. Open jest grave grip kink if grey sky. The raise holy how by turn high glad fit grace 

>>>Sets. Mingle rest. Joy by

>>>Cedar turn. Ass driven jade. The luck the lot the good

>>>Set rest. Joy by. Turn in on. Joy by

>>>Free dream. Joy by. Turn joy. High good fate

>>>Set. Milk in. Joy by. The free dream great. Joy bearing. High tune good fate sure bite

>>>Sets. Mint grave. The holy the buck. Untimed real fate. Mint limit a pay and go

>>>Grab hunt. Yireh own by. The grade set rest. Time by. Tug open a good fate strong good buy

>>>Cedar. Numb taught. Grave fancy

>>>Dry. Tears hunt grave. The limit yireh. A prostitutes dry nose her black dishonest delight. Yireh by

>>>Dry. Tug upon. Jade set. The reality of gross expectation. Joy by

>>>Drum. High edge. A common good fancy. Gold bite. Joy the warm joy bread sure dream

>>>Timed gun. Joy by. The good fit. Yireh by. Hunt grade set high good fate

>>>Dry. Made lamp. The yireh the grace drum joy

>>>Dear. Timing by social respect. The opt an office bright by good endeavor. A usual the youth ready the good fate

>>>Profession. Added the graduate. His pull opt his good case selected 

>>>Case slavery. Turn black the boom jaded. Hunt grave. A solid fate error the wrath God cage rest. Join by. The reach of grave frank dry bite

>>>Pie scrap. Mild the dog ease. Mint grace a kind jump. The beast right a freedom a dry fit bite

>>>Drinking better versed fate. Joy by. Turn joy hunt. A set humor glad a fate

>>>Dear. Joy yireh by. Miff active. The job scene buck frank rot

>>>Cold. Acre the bread cased frank. Join by. Turn join bite

>>>Dry. Time base. Gold in or fret. Hunt grace. The dream join hunt a good fate strong bearing good bite

>>>Told. Active dry father strong. The dream joy envy fate. A warm grave set free dream. Gold realm open buy

>>>Thumb hunt. Milk on joy. The success the vacant fret. Joy hunt grave smoke the hold a cigar. Yireh by. Hunter frankly the gold the company the joy

>>>Brand joy. Mint grace. Barn mad ease. A height a fit fate strong the animal kept

>>>Dry. Joy supplication. Jade ease. A common joy a touch. Grade by. The tempt the joy the glide

>>>Dream by. Turn joy. Turn of animal. The joy stink free the cut out groove dry grip. No trough a warm dry waste dressed frank jade. High body the bread grip open joy. The honor a good season of graded set fancy grace

>>>Sets. Mile dry. The public fancy grace. Joy bearing. An enticed set frank win. Gold on. The joy until in by high beat. Gold bread sure bite 

>>>Dry. Joy until in. Job hunch. Grip of the good fate

>>>Dry. Taped grades. Joy by

>>>Free dream. Joy the rest. Joy by

>>>Cedar. Joy until in. Open joy by. Term and fit. The dry hunt frank joy. High by

>>>Dear. Joy by. Hinge free. Seldom done seldom fit. Gold rest frank bear versed fit. The good frank joy bear frank fun the road

>>>Set rest. Joy yireh by. Turn joy. Up in. Joy bite. The turn high by. Joy break in. Up open. Jest frank. The coin high gold be

>>>Dear. Joy yireh. Numb hunt. Yireh bread. By turn. Joy by

>>>Set rest. Joy turn. Joy yireh by

>>>Set rest. Gold realm good. Humor turn. Turn tug. The good fate sure free. Joy bite. Turn joy bread

>>>Dear. Joy yireh. Joy yireh by

>>>Cedar. Joy bearing best specific. Turn time. The yireh best beat. Gold by. Turn hunt. A crunch a bit great fate

>>>Lauded kid. Marriage fit understood. Joy by. Turn. Joy by. Turn joy. Joy yireh by. Yireh by

>>>Serious. Glad fit humor. A gold guy

>>>Dry. Turn joy. Up in. Joy bite bite

>>>Determined. Gold rat. The humor turn hunt. Yireh by

>>>Sets. Joy best. Joy by. The rest yireh by

>>>Drawn. Misfit the buck tax. Hard ego. In or. The cut buck nice

>>>Bread. Time sort. Mingle emotion. Joy well a slate of grace. Joined. The humor glad fit bite

>>>Threat. Joy by. Turn beside. Yireh by

>>>Dry. Turn. Joy. Bite

>>>Threatening jade. The coin hunt. King by. An ounce dry. Numb grave retreat. The dry bed holy fit grave. Joy by

>>>Dear. Joy by. Turn turn. Joy hope. High glad. Ease time rest grade

>>>Development. Discovery. Hat